Why Invest?
The manufacturing sector accounts for nearly 8% of the country’s GDP and has been consistently growing due to growing investment in the sector. Engineering, Textiles, Wood & Wood Products, Building Materials, Processed Foods, Chemicals, Leather and Leather Products, Electric Vehicles, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Rubber, Plastic, paper, Tobacco, and Handicrafts are sub-sectors that offer the most opportunities for investment. Currently, the main manufacturing activities in Zambia are the:
1) Food and beverages ;
2) Textile and Leather Industries;
3) Wood and Wood Products;
4) Paper and Paper Products
5) Chemicals, Rubber and Plastic Products
6) Non-metallic mineral products;
7) basic metal products; and
8) Fabricated metal products. The top destinations for Zambian exports in 2016 are China (USS$ 2.14 Bn), India (USS$719 M), South Africa (USS$486 M), United Arab Emirates (USS$ 392 M), and Belgium-Luxemburg (USS$ 297 m).

Investment Procedures
- Company registration-
- TPIN registration-
- ZDA Investment Certificate
- Business license registration-Local authority
- Environmental Impact Assessment from ZEMA
- Import and export- Zambia Government Service bus for the particular permits
Projects and opportunities
Zambia Organic Fertiliser Manufacturing
The Zambia Organic Fertiliser Project is soliciting for a Private Investor to invest US$10 million for the establishment of a modern, manufacturing plant, which will produce organic fertiliser for the domestic, regional and international markets.

Zambia Tomato Processing
The ZTPP is soliciting for Private Investors to establish a modern, tomato processing plant and collection depots at a total cost of US$ 5 million. The investment is in the form of equity finance in a Special Purpose Vehicle that will manage and run the project.
Zambia Cashew Nut Processing
The Zambia Cashew Processing Project is seeking an Investor to invest US$5 million in the establishment of a modern processing plant, which will produce cashew kernels for the domestic, regional and international markets. The investment is in the form of equity finance in a Special Purpose Vehicle that will manage and run the project.

Zambia Mango Processing
The Zambia Mango Processing Project is soliciting for a Private Investor to invest US$5 million for the establishment of a modern processing plant in Lusaka, which will produce mango pulp and dried mango chips for the domestic, regional and international markets. The investment is in the form of equity finance in an Investments Company that will manage and run the project.
Zambia Natural Honey Processing
The Zambia Natural Honey Project is soliciting for cash equity of US$ 5 million for the establishment of a modern, state of art processing plant at the LS-MFEZ, in Lusaka, that will produce natural organic honey for the domestic, regional and international markets. The investment is in the form of equity finance in an Investments Company that will manage and run the project.

Related Documents
- Download Manufacturing Sector Profile
- Zambia Organic Fertiliser Manufacturing Zambia Tomato