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Business Development Support Services

Zambia Development Agency through the Enterprise Development Division register the formalized Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) for them to access the Business Development Support Services (BDS) from the Agency.

Definitions of Micro, Small(MSEs)

According to the MSME Development Policy of the Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry (MCTI)A Micro, Small or Medium Enterprise (MSME) shall be any business enterprise registered with the Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) with the following characteristics:

Please note that currently ZDA only registers Micro and Small Enterprises

Micro Enterprise

Small Enterprise

Medium Enterprise

Enterprises above these thresholds do not qualify for registration as MSEs with ZDA, and those in Financing.

MSEs Registration requirements

Please note that the MSME Application form for ZDA Certificate of Registration must be accompanied by the following:

Once the Certificate of Registration is ready, ZDA shall contact the applicant who will then be required to pay Registration fee of either K333.30 (Micro enterprise) OR K500.01 (Small Enterprise), to be paid before the certificate has been issued. 

For any further clarifications, please feel free to contact ZDA’s Enterprise Development Division.

Business Development Department

The Department is responsible for providing Business Development Support Services to growth oriented Businesses with a view to transitioning them into large multinational corporations. 

Capacity building Trainings

Growth oriented businesses are provided with structured trainings such as Export and Investment Readiness, Corporate Governance, Business Management  and other tailor made trainings to positively impact their businesses. 

Market Linkages

Businesses are facilitated with access to foreign and local markets through linkages to Chain Stores and large corporations.
ZDA facilitates market linkages for businesses in the local and export markets. Appropriate interventions like product development and export readiness trainings are incorporated to enhance market competiveness.

Financial Linkages

Businesses are facilitated with access to finance through financial modelling such as franchising, innovative financing, venture capital, capital markets and other financial Institutions providing various financial products.
This is done with a view to assisting businesses access financial services required for them to grow.

Partnerships and Joint Ventures

Business-to-Business (B2B) engagements are facilitated for businesses to interact and broker deals to enhance their operations.
ZDA ensures smooth facilitation of partnerships and joint ventures by offering appropriate capacity building trainings.

Product Development

Product development refers to all stages involved in making the product market ready. It incorporates product quality, packaging, labelling, bar coding etc.
This is done with a view to assist businesses improve quality and standards of their products to enhance their competitiveness on the local and export markets.

Value Chain Development

Value chain development refers to the process of developing, improving and strengthening the various activities and processes that contribute to the creation and delivery of a product or service.
ZDA makes appropriate interventions in an effort to improve productive operations and generate social benefits like job creation, economic growth and other developmental goals.  

Business Advisory Services

Businesses are provided with one on one Business advisory services in various business management.
This is done with a view to provide guidance and direction.
This is key in the incubation stage of the businesses.

Business Clinics

Businesses are provided with an opportunity to interact with various players and stakeholders within the business ecosystem.
The purpose is to expose businesses to technology, markets and financing opportunities in the business sector.
This also helps bring services at the door steps.

After Care Services

Businesses are provided with aftercare support services.
This is done to check and provide on the spot business development support services required.
This is a proactive way of maintaining contacts with respective businesses.


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