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Special Economic Zones

What are Special Economic Zones

A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is an area or premises declared as such in which industrial and commercial activities take place, catering for both export and domestic-oriented industries.”  Currently Zambia has two types of such zones which are commonly referred to as Multi-Facility Economic Zone (MFEZ) and Industrial Park (IP) and is in the process of developing Export Processing Zones (EPZ).

Zambia has seven (07) functional SEZ i.e. five (05) MFEZs and two (02) IPs.  All SEZs have backbone structures such electricity, water, waste disposal facilities, telecommunication facilities, buildings and roads. 

1. Lusaka South Multi-Facility Economic Zone

The only Government owned SEZ which is located South of Lusaka and covers 2,100 Ha. This MFEZ was designated in 2010 and has the backbone infrastructure.

2. Chambishi Multi-Facility Economic Zone

Privately owned and located on the Copperbelt in Kitwe and covers 3,692.801Ha. The Zone is mostly a Mining Zone and was declared in 2007.

The MFEZ is suitable for the operation of:

  • Copper processing industries;
  • Mechanical Industries;
  • Light Industries;
  • Electrical appliance industries;
  • Clothing industries;
  • Food industries;
  • Medical Industries.

3. Jiangxi Multi-Facility Economic Zone

Jiangxi Multi-Facility Economic Zone: Located in Chibombo, Central Province of Zamia and sits on 2,088.9157 Ha and is suitable for the operation of:

  • Mining services;
  • Manufacturing and processing activities;
  • Agro processing;
  • Tourism;
  • Commercial activities;
  • Logistics;
  • Educational institutions, higher education institutions and colleges registered under the Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Act, 1998;
  • Real estate and property development.

4. Kalumbila Multi-Facility Economic Zone

North Western and is suitable for:

  • Mining services;
  • Manufacturing and processing activities;
  • Agro processing;
  • Tourism;
  • Commercial activities;
  • Logistics;
  • Educational institutions, higher education institutions and colleges registered under the Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Act, 1998;
  • Real estate and property development.

5. Lusaka East Multi-Facility Economic Zone (ZCCZ)

Located in the East of Lusaka and 500 meters from the International Airport, ZCCZ MFEZ is suitable for:

  • Processing and manufacturing industries;
  • Modem logistics;
  • Real estate;
  • New-technology industries;
  • Complementary services;
  • Commerce and business.

6. Sub-Saharan Gemstones Exchange Industrial Park

NNdola –Copperbelt with an estimated land surface of 318.6068Ha and is suitable for:

  • Lapidaries and gemstone processing industries;
  • Light engineering industries;
  • Construction and hardware industries;
  • Electrical appliance industries;;
  • Food industries;
  • Clothing industries;
  • Copper processing industries.

7. Roma Park Industrial Park

Located in Lusaka and covering a surface area of 16.1787Ha. Roma Park Industrial Park is suitable for:

  • Light engineering industries;
  • Construction and hardware industries;
  • Electrical appliance industries;
  • Food industries;
  • Clothing industries. 

Farm Blocks 

The Farm Blocks constitutes of land for large scale agribusiness investment for the private sector. Each Province in Zambia has been targeted for Farm Block development with an approximate  area of 100, 000 hectares. Each Farm Block was designed to have four categories of farms, namely: Small Scale, Medium, Commercial and a Core venture. 

The Government is in charge of developing basic Infrastructure such as; trunk and access roads, electricity, communal dams etc. including social amenities. Currently only 2 farm blocks have tangible developed Infrastructure which stands at 85% and 40% and these are Nansanga and Luena Farm blocks respectively. While the other Farm Blocks, only land identification and feasibility studies have been undertaken. 

Table 2: Categories and Sizes of Farms 

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