The Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) has registered 351 investment ventures in the 2022 financial year with an investment of US$ 8.59 billion compared to 255 investment ventures recorded in the same period in 2021 with an investment of USD 3.33billion, representing an increase of 157.96 per cent.
Speaking at a media briefing today in Lusaka, ZDA acting director general Albert Halwampa said the 351 investment ventures translated into 74,679 jobs compared to 24,585 jobs from the 255 investment ventures recorded in the same period in 2021.
Mr. Halwampa said the critical investment sectors included manufacturing, energy, mining, transport, construction, and agriculture with the highest investment of US$ 4.0 billion recorded in the construction sector.
He further disclosed that for the first time in nine years, non-traditional exports (NTE) increased by 33.09 per cent to US$ 3.6 billion in 2022 from US$ 2.7 billion in 2021 as the Agency continued to facilitate the competitiveness of exporters through various services as well as exposure to markets.
He noted that the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) accounted for 45 per cent of the total NTEs for 2022 with a total of US$1.45 billion compared to USD1.09 Billion in 2021, representing an increase of 32 per cent. Read More…